The aim of RSE at Parklands is to equip children and young people with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships, and to take responsibility for their sexual health and well-being. Good quality RSE promotes the core values of respect, love and care. It also provides the opportunity for children and young people to reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs and those of their peers and others. RSE is an integral element of PSHE and it is therefore essential and good practice that teaching and learning about sex and relationships is planned and implemented within this broader framework rather than as a stand-alone subject.
An important part of the Jigsaw PSHE programme is delivered through the 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' puzzle pieces, which are covered in the summer term.
Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage.
Below is a summary of RSE coverage within the Jigsaw scheme for each year group:
• Foundation Stage - Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies
• Year 1 - Boys’ and girls’ bodies; naming body parts
• Year 2 - Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is)
The Underwear Rule is a simple way to help keep children safe from abuse. It teaches children that their body belongs to them, that they have the right to say no, and that they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried.
In Key Stage One we will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC's Underwear Rule, using the 'PANTS' acrostic. During these discussions we aim to teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information, telling scary stories or even using the term "sexual abuse." PANTS stands for:
All lessons will be delivered in a way that's fully age appropriate.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch. More information about the Underwear rule can be found at: