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Social Development

Social Awareness and Development

At Parklands Infant and Nursery School, we attempt to develop in our children a growing understanding of the part that they play within the school community and wider society, both now and in the future. Through their social development, we encourage children to relate positively to others, participate fully in the community and develop an understanding of good citizenship. We encourage children’s social development and awareness by:


  • developing an understanding and respect of others, their opinions, beliefs and customs;
  • developing an understanding of society’s institutions, structures and characteristics, including democracy and the rule of law
  • encouraging them to have a sense of pride in their community;
  • providing opportunities for and nurturing the development of the inter-personal skills necessary for successful relationships.
  • helping them to use restorative approaches with their peers increasingly independently;
  • encouraging them to think about the impact of their own and others’ actions on others;
  • developing good teamwork skills through opportunities to co-operate and share;
  • expecting good manners and courteous behaviour;
  • providing opportunities for children to develop self-confidence;

Here are some of the ways we help to develop their Moral values:


  • Jigsaw PSHE promotes diversity with a half term focus on ‘Relationships’
  • Aspirations Day allows pupils to interact with a range of jobs/careers available in the local community.
  • Anti-bullying week/ Friendship day in November (yearly)
  • Year 2 Playground Buddies.
  • Anti-Bullying workshops for Reception, Year One and Year Two.  
  • Sports Day/ Competitions e.g. cross country with local schools.
  • Open mornings
  • Visits from ‘experts’ e.g. Partake Theatre Company, Dino Mike, RNLI, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue.
  • Supporting the local community e.g. singing at Alexandra Nursing Home, Tree planting, opening the local Co-op.
  • A range of lunchtime and afterschool clubs e.g. Gymnastics, Soccer Stars, Recorders, Lego Club, Clay Creators Club, Laser Tag, Outdoor Project.
  • Topic celebrations at the end of every half term to show parents/ carers the work the children have been doing.