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Progression in sculpture

Progression in sculpture


 Manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect

Select tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble, and join materials they are using.


 To use hands to manipulate malleable materials in different ways, rolling, kneading, squashing, pinching

 To begin to arrange blocks, boxes in different ways stacking, lining up, enclosure

To create models using recycled materials.

To work with other children to create a group piece of work.

Year One

•. To manipulate malleable materials in a variety of ways i.e. rolling, joining and kneading

  • To use joining techniques of gluing, pins, staples and threading
  • To work with others to create a group piece of artwork using recycled materials.

•  To communicate reasons, thoughts, observations and feelings.

 • To create models using recycled materials. To identify and experiment with warm and cool colours.

Year  Two

  • To explore arrangements using natural materials.
  • To twist, knot, tie, intertwine and construct using natural materials.
  • To observe and use colours, textures, shapes and patterns in natural materials.
  • Work with others to create a group piece of artwork using natural materials.
  • communicate reasons, thoughts, observations and feelings about work created.
  • Explore and experiment with other sculpting materials.