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Class 5 (2022-2023)

Spring Term 2


Welcome to Year Two!



This half term our topic is How is life in Kenya different to life in England?

We will start the topic with a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park where we will look for animals from Kenya. 

We will learn all about life in Kenya - homes, schools, the climate, travel, the eco-systems etc. 

We are looking forward to our Topic Celebration when we will show you an African dance and song we have learnt!



Important Parklands Person

This half term we will be helping the children to think about how they can be an Important Parklands Person. This will be discussed in class, in assemblies and as part of our PSHE (personal, social and healthy education) work. Please ask your child what they are doing to become an Important  Parklands Person!

Please don’t forget to look at our class pages on our website for more information about what we are up to!