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RE at Parklands

Our aim at Parklands is for our children to have an appreciation and some  understanding of  religious beliefs and values people hold, and have an insight in the ways in which different religious and cultural backgrounds affect people’s lives. We aim to be inclusive of all children, at the same time as celebrating their differences so that every child feels valued and supported, whatever their religious  or non-religious heritage. 


We  use the Derbyshire’s curriculum which aims for children to “participate in an on-going search for wisdom, through exploring questions raised by human experience and answers offered by the religions and beliefs of the people of Derbyshire and the wider community, so as to promote their personal development.”


Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities, and cultures. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and experiences. Our Religious Education curriculum is enhanced further with trips to places of worship in our local area and hosting workshops, which teach the children about different celebrations within religions such as Diwali and Chinese New Year.

Through our revised curriculum, we have a clear focus on doing more, knowing more, and remembering more. Children are encouraged to draw on prior learning and make links to be able to build on their knowledge. Knowledge and skills will be progressive and lead them to be able to achieve in the next stages of their learning.


RE Policy 2023