The Online World
It is vital that, in a world where children are now accessing new technologies and using the internet at an early age, that they are taught about keeping themselves safe online. Just as you would teach your child the Green Cross Code or fire safety you need to give them the skills to use the internet safely. Below are some resources to help you achieve this. Smartie the Penguin and Digiduck are on-line books. Hector's World is a series of six cartoons. You might also find the other pages on these websites interesting. The video 'Jigsaw' is a resource for you to watch and share with your older children.
Below are documents that contain all the latest, up to date information for you, as parents, to know.
Parent Guides and Tips
Each child will be able to use the Internet in a safe and respectful way. They will understand the necessary precautions to take, to stay safe and know where to seek help. No child will feel threatened or unsafe whilst using the Internet at school or at home. Children will also utilise the Internet efficiently to enhance their learning of all subjects. The school will provide a rich bank of curriculum-based resources for children and parents to access at home.
We will endeavour to keep pace with educational developments in computing and have a commitment to teachers having the necessary tools to do their jobs effectively. We will continue to ensure we have access to the most effective and emerging technologies.
All members of the school community will contribute to the school’s online presence. Our school website will showcase the excellent work being carried out by our children.
With children spending more time than ever at home, please read through the PDFs above for the most recent findings and information in protecting your child in the online world.
Creative Apps
At Parklands we encourage our children to use the computer in creative ways. Why not download some of these to encourage your child to be a creator with technology rather than a consumer of it.
Parental Controls
Have you considered putting controls on the equipment your child uses or downloading a child friendly browser?
"Many parents subscribe to the "cross your fingers and hope for the best" philosophy of managing their kids' online access. But even if you've had the conversations around screen-time limits, responsible online behaviour, and safety precautions, it's still really tough to manage what kids do when you're not there (and even when you are). Parental controls -- the real, technical kind -- can support you in your efforts to keep your kids' Internet experiences safe, fun, and productive. They work best when used openly and honestly in partnership with your kids."
Caroline Knorr - Common Sense Media.