The full Governing Body meets each half term to discuss school matters. This also involves looking at reports and feedback from the various committees. Meetings for 2023/2024 are as follows:
Curriculum and School Improvement Committee
The committee meets with the headteacher throughout the year to look at how well the school is performing and how it is working towards its areas for improvement. This includes looking at evidence and touring the school. On occasion, members of the committee may meet with the school's improvement partner from the local authority.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Committee
The committee meets at regular intervals throughout the year to ensure that the school is meeting its statutory duties and to look at progress towards the school's audit of needs. Members from the committee sometimes join the children's Safeguarding Team meetings.
Finance, Pay and Personnel Committee
The committee meets throughout the year to analyse the school's budget and to discuss how school funds are allocated. A member of the Finance Committee attends the school's annual budget setting meeting. This involves looking at staffing and pay related performance. Members of the governing body are always present when interviews are held to recruit new members of staff.
Buildings and Property Committee
The buildings committee meets to discuss the physical environment of the school and any related issues. This involves looking at healthy and safety.
Policies Committee
The policies committee meets before each full governors meeting to look at and discuss school policies. If they choose to adopt policies, these decisions are then ratified at the full Governing Body meeting on the recommendation of the committee.