Our governors work very hard alongside school leaders to ensure that Parklands keeps moving foward and developing. Governors oversee that the school improvement plan is followed and that all actions are completed. This is reported at the half termly governor meetings and also discussed at committee meetings. At the end of each meeting, governors discuss what they have done to help further develop the education and experience that Parklands can offer our children - you can find these listed below:
Oct 2023
- Governors elected the Chair and Vice Chair to oversee the Governing Body for the academic year.
- Governors reviewed policies and agreed that subject policies reflect the Learning Challenge Curriculum.
- Governors have approved the School Improvement Plan.
- Governors discussed expectations around attendance with the wellbeing of pupils and parents in mind.
- Governors decided upon actions to encourage new parent/carer governors.
Dec 2023
- Headteacher Performance Management was reviewed.
- Curriculum progress was scrutinised.
- Parent/carer surveys were analysed
- Governors agreed to the use of ClassDojo in response to survey.
Feb 2024
Subject Leader reports were scrutinised.
New staff appointments approved.
Mental Health and well-being of pupils and staff discussed.
March 2024
- Governors Reviewed the school budget
- Governors approved the use of the DFC fund
- A new interim Chair of Governors was welcomed.
- Mental health and well-being of pupils and staff discussed.
May 2024
- Action plan for mental health and well-being discussed.
- Effective Safeguarding measures discussed.
- Feedback from Governor recruitment drive discussed.
July 2024
- Governors addressed attendance issues.
- Two new Governors welcomed to the Governing Body.
- Agreed to update the IT network ensuring greater security.