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Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


At Parklands Infant and Nursery School, we believe all children are valued equally, regardless of their abilities, aptitudes, interests and behaviour. Each child is entitled to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum, with high aspirations for progression and achievement. We have had children attend the school with a range of additional needs. These have included speech, language and communication problems; learning needs; hearing and visual impairment; social, emotional and behavioural needs; physical disabilities; ADHD and children on the Autistic Spectrum.


At Parklands we place great importance on identifying Special Educational Needs early so that we can help children as quickly as possible. We recognise that children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. Teachers take account of this by looking carefully at how they organise their lessons, the classroom, the books and materials they give to each child and the way they teach. All teachers consider a number of options and choose the most appropriate ways to help each child learn form a range of activities. 



A copy of our SEND policy can be found below.


The Derbyshire SEND Local Offer

Derbyshire's SEND Local Offer includes leisure and activity providers, health and care services, education providers and support groups. The Local Offer simply aims to pull information about available services into one place and make it clear and accessible for you and your family. It provides a wide variety of help and advice if you should ever need it. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the link to the website.

The SENCO at Parklands is Miss Whittingham. You can contact her by ringing the school number to make an appointment to see her.

Useful links