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Things to remember

🌟 Important things to remember in Nursery 🌟


Being in Nursery can be daunting for our children and a first experience of leaving parents.  We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible.


Here is a list of important reminders to help your child be ready and settled for Nursery each day:

  • Always support your child to come to nursery.  Lots of positivity, smiles and encouragement go a long way;
  • Staff are always around to help you.  Please always come and find one of us and we are always willing to listen;
  • Teach your child to be as independent as they can.  Encourage them to find their own name to peg on our board, place their coat on their peg and out their water bottle on the shelf.
  • Bring a  labelled water bottle every day.  We have lots of matching bottles, so a sticker can really help them identify their own;
  • Book changing days are written on the front of your child's Reading Record.  Each week they will be supported to choose a new reading book to share and also a Chatterbook (library book to read together);
  • Please keep sharing observations from home and accessing our Friday Challenge with your child.  We look at these together in Nursery and they are a lovely way to encourage their Communication and Language skills;
  • We use Class Dojo to share events, experiences and important notices.  Please use Class Dojo messages to get in touch with any concerns or to request / book additional sessions in Nursery.