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Things to remember in Reception

Our Daily Routine:

Class 1 have PE on a Monday afternoon, Class 2 on Wednesday mornings.  Please make sure PE kit is in school everyday and that all clothing is named. Please provide joggers, a warm fleece/jumper and trainers for when we do outdoor PE during the Autumn and Winter. We will send PE kits home at the end of each half term so they can be washed and sizes can be checked.


Don't forget:

  • A named water bottle - You need to drink throughout the day so that you can learn and play! Please note juice or squash is not permitted.
  • Reading book - Please send book bags to school everyday so that we can read with your child and change books as required. Our children all have their own drawer for their book bags, letters and any creations they would like to take home.  Please write in their reading diary so that we know your child has read, otherwise we won't be able to change their book.
  • A coat - They will need a warm/waterproof coat in school each day so that they can learn in our outdoor area. This is important as the weather is often a little temperamental and we do try and access outdoors as much as possible.